You’re invited to watch the Color & Praise with Special Guest, Amber Bolton, from Inspire Bible! over at Christian Women’s Book Club Youtube Channel. The video is embedded at the bottom of this post! We learned about how to enhance our coloring and art journaling Bible experience! It was a wonderful, fun-filled visit! Amber also shared with us the many different options that they have over at Inspire Bible to get plugged in to this fun and creative way to worship the Father.
Hosted by founder, Danialy Iglesias, of Christian Women’s Book Club over at our Facebook Group, this event was held the first week of December and I was blessed to join Amber & Danialy for this wonderful occasion! Amber shared her knowledge with tons of fun tips and tools for coloring in the Inspire Bible. Here’s the event details:
- Event: Color & Praise with the Inspire Praise Art & Coloring Journaling Bible
- Hosted by: Christian Women’s Book Club
- Special Guest: Amber Bolton
- Event Coordinator: Danialy Iglesias
- Zoom Host: April D. Metzler (yep! that’s me!)
- Topic: How to enhance your coloring and art journaling Bible experience. Plus, how you can leave traces of faith―and PRAISE―throughout this coloring Bible for a treasure that will truly inspire!
- Date & Time: December 2nd, 2020 at 9:00 P.M. ET

World, meet Amber Bolton!
as provided from her website
Amber Bolton’s nationwide Inspire Bible journaling workshops have drawn thousands of people to experience a fresh approach to Bible reading. Amber has 20 years of youth ministry experience and is passionate about helping people discover the joy of reading their Bibles and responding creatively in the margins. She teaches her 4-step Bible study process to help people of all ages and stages of faith discover the rich treasures found in Scripture. If you’re looking to get inspired, this is the workshop for you! More than washi, ephemera, and paints, Amber desires for people to grow in their relationship with God through Scripture. You can find Amber on Instagram @biblejournaling and on the Facebook Inspire Bible page. You can visit the to learn more!
Now For The Behind The Scenes
There were many times I have wondered about coloring, drawing, highlighting, and notetaking in the Word of God. I, for one, have never been the type to feel comfortable or ok with doing anything like that in the Bible. The only paper I take pen or pencil or highlighter to is a notepad that I keep for studying. Thinking about coloring in my Bible was the farthest thing in my mind! Then, Danialy and Amber came along!
Danialy has been visiting with me for sometime about being creative in Worshipping the Lord through journaling and art. She knows that I am very creative-prone and enjoy art and design and journaling the Word, all on separate platforms, of course. Through those visits, she started encouraging me to look into these Inspire Bibles. I hesitated for a few months after she had brought up the idea. I have gone years and years with not ever marking in my Bible, unless by accident. Boy oh boy, was I mortified when I did! I have been of the notion that, due to the reverence for the Word that I have, I dare not mark in it. Not that God would strike me down or anything. I just haven’t ever felt right about doing so. However, there is a difference between Bible uses. That is why this visit intrigued me so much!
Amber was such a blessing to visit with. She walked us through many different ways she uses her Bibles. This Bible is for this and that Bible is for that and that one over there is for this… so on, so forth. I, too, have many Bibles strewn across the house and they also have a particular usage. Each has its very own reason for purchase.
And That’s when it hit me!
Why Not have a Bible strictly to Color and Praise in!?!? I have one for everything else! Thanks to this visit, Danialy’s suggestions of encouragement, and Amber’s shares of all that she does with her inventory of Bibles – I feel very confident that I could handle coloring and journaling IN a Bible… on the actual pages of a Bible that is made to do precisely That! I mean, why not?! I found out through this visit that they have Bibles and Coloring Books with Scripture. I was thinking about starting off with one of the Coloring Books, which sounds so cool! Easing my way into this new way of Worshipping the Father in scripture study is the path I am opting for, at this time.
What about you? What are your thoughts on this subject? Let me know in the comments!
Here are a few pictures from the visit of different options. The Inspire Prayer one is a HUGE Print new version that they are launching soon for May 4th (for all my Star Wars fan readers, Amber pointed out the galaxy cover – May the 4th be with you lol)
I hope this post encourages you to consider looking into this creative outlet of Worship. The whole point, as Amber said multiple times throughout the video and our conversation, is to encourage hearts in getting into the Word of God.
I love that part!
And it is important for us to feed our hearts the Truth and Promises found in the Word of God. His Word is Truth and there is so much Light and Love found within the pages. If this is a way to engage more people to dive deep into His Word – then I am one of this ministry’s biggest supporters! Bring on the Color & Praise and Let’s Worship the Lord through Bible journaling and creative art techniques with His Word! Amen!
Closing Prayer
God bless you and yours with His rest, His peace, His joy, and, most of all – a deeper revelation of the knowledge of His love for you to the very depths of your heart! May your heart be overflowing in the fullness of God through Jesus Christ! In the Name of Jesus, I pray this. Amen!