Guest Appearances page header for April D. Metzler

Guest Appearances

I have had the honor of being a guest on a number of wonderful shows! Just click the picture in the slide show to quickly jump down to that episode and listen right from this page!

Please be sure to Subscribe to or Follow these shows

Leave a review and star rating to show your support, and share them out, too!


  • We Are The Church with Sherry Jones
    We Are The Church with Sherry Jones

Here are a few highlighted below:

We are the Church with Sherry Jones – Podcast Interview

We Are The Church with Sherry Jones

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to visit with Sherry Jones on her podcast show, “We are the Church”. Sherry is also an author, herself. In addition to being a speaker and fantastic podcast host! We had such a wonderfully blessed visit and I delved into some really great topics about God and walking with Him! I encourage you to check out this show by clicking HERE or listening to this episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to her podcast! I am so very excited to see what God does with this gifted and anointed woman of God! You can connect with her on Facebook at Sherry Speaks Life. To learn more about her ministry efforts, please visit her website at

Sign up for her coaching program to learn how to take your story and speak life with it through writing – are you ready to write a book!? Sherry Jones can help you! Connect Here

Send her a message on her contact page of her website to book her as a speaker – visit this page to see what is like to have Sherry Jones as a guest speaker and keynote speaker at any event! That Speaker Life

As Shared on Her Platform:

We often think about how we should pursue a relationship with God, but He’s pursuing us as well. God is pursuing our hearts. In today’s episode, I chat with April Metzler, author of Oh My God, My Heart about The Church & Our Hearts. 

Interview Highlights

  • April explains what it means for God to pursue your heart.
  • “He loves us so much, but we don’t even know how to love until we get introduced to Him.” – April Metzler
  • April shares her connection with the character in her book.
  • “It’s just an iron sharpens iron demonstration in this character.” – April Metzler
  • April shares a moment in her life when God was pursuing her, but He seemed so far away.
  • “God doesn’t mess up ever. You can always trust Him.” – April Metzler
  • April shares tips to help us trust God.
  • “Trust Him with something little.” – April Metzler
  • April shares her writing process.
  • “My writing process is. as much as I can, invest time into Him, and then let Him lead and see what happens.” – April Metzler

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

Interview with Suzanne Lynn on the Triangle Spotlight Show – WQBQ 1410 AM Radio in Florida

Triangle Spotlight with Suzanne Lynn

It was an honor to have the opportunity to be a guest on Suzanne Lynn’s Triangle Spotlight Radio Show hosted by WQBQ 1410 AM Radio over in Florida. I had a wonderful visit with her and was able to share my heart behind the writing that God has called me to in this season of my walk with Him. It was such a blessing and I am very grateful to have met Suzanne.

If you would like to learn more about her, I encourage you to visit her website at or connect with her on her business Facebook page at Triangle Media LLC. She is a phenomenally gifted radio host, podcast host, and voice over artist – just to name a few of her talents. I look forward to seeing the many things God does through her efforts to come alongside others and help get the word out there about their work! If you would like to visit with Suzanne about the marketing and interview bundle of services that she offers to authors, you can go to

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

The Coach’s Corner with Paul Ybarra – Podcast Interview

Coach's Corner with Coach Paul Ybarra

It was a blessing to visit with Paul Ybarra on his podcast show, “Coach’s Corner” for his 35th Episode! Paul is a Coach, Minister, Podcast Host, and awesome Creative Artist with an eye for design, starting out with a simple can of spray paint and now he can create phenomenal digital graphics for all his sites! So cool! We had such a blessed visit. We delved into talking about many, many subjects, but the conversation circulated around Worship and what authentic, real worship looks like in action. I encourage you to check out this show by clicking HERE or on the image and don’t forget to subscribe to his podcast! I am so very excited to see what God does with this visit and in this gifted brother-in-Christ’s ministry efforts for God’s glory!

As Shared on His Platform:

Tune in and share out this amazing call to worship to faithfully step out in obedience in your walk with God, while we dig deep in the Word to find the true fellowship!

Want to be interviewed on Coach’s Corner? Click Here to schedule a time!

You are invited to join Paul & me at We Are Community, a group that loves to build people! Click Here to get connected in the FB group!

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

Listen to “Episode 35 What is real authentic Worship?” on Spreaker.

2 Part Interview on the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast with Pastor Robert Thibodeaux

It was an honor to visit with Pastor Robert Thibodeaux on his podcast show, “Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast” for this 2 part interview! Pastor Bob is the founder of the Evangelism Radio station, Freedom Through Faith Radio Network, KCR Podcast, and (a new podcast hosting site for Christians). He is a leader of the Faith, a prayer warrior, and an encourager who invests in those he meets with kindness and love! He has also created coaching programs that focus on podcasting and online radio! Podcasters can learn the whole process of running a podcast through these programs! We had such a blessed visit about the book I recently published and the music album I recently released. I encourage you to check out this show by clicking HERE for part 1 and HERE for part 2 or on the images and don’t forget to subscribe to his podcast! I am so very excited to see what God does with this visit and in this wonderful brother-in-Christ’s ministry efforts for God’s glory!

Evangelism Radio has officially added my new music album into rotation!

As Shared on KCR Podcast Platform:

Many people have been struggling during this past year, with the COVID crisis and the resulting social isolation and shut downs that have been taking place. Many churches have had to cut back or even cancel their services. For many people, church has always been that one place they could go to seek some semblance of peace. The Peace of God. But that has not been an option for many people during this past year.

That takes some special people with a special anointing to try and take that message to the masses in any way they can. The message that “God Loves You” is one that needs to be shared far and wide, especially in the world we see falling apart around us today. My guest today has several irons in the fire that allows her to do just that thing. To bring HOPE and God’s Love to those that need to hear about it and experience it right now.

April Metzler is a Christian author and song writer that draws daily with her walk with God to minister hope and encouragement to others with a heart for intercessory prayer. She will be the first to tell you that you are “Loved by God,” when the rest of the world tries to tell you otherwise. She is author of the book, “Oh My God, My Heart: It is the Pursuit That Matters” which was released in July of 2020. She also released a music album titled “Oh My Heart Strings” as well. And, on top of all that, she is a podcast host for “RSVP Show.” Praise God!  Help me welcome to the program, April Metzler!


  • First question that I always ask is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, tell us in your own words, “Who is April Metzler?”
  • You released your first book, “Oh My God, My Heart: It is the Pursuit That Matters,” back in the summer of 2020. It contains over 350 different scripture verses and quotes. This book is loosely based upon your own life experiences, correct?
  • Give us a couple of examples what the readers will find in your book…
  • I especially liked the story about when your in-laws, shall we say, cleaned up your house while you were sleeping and tossed out some very important papers you were working on? Can you just go over that story as an example of the content in your book?
  • You focus on sharing “God’s Love” with others. I can appreciate that, especially in this day and time we are living right now. How has this work helped you to grow during the pandemic and all that has taken place since early 2020?

Part 2

  • Were you already preparing to release your book and your music album before the COVID situation came upon the world? Or was all of this as a result of the crisis?
  • You are active in youth and music ministry in your church. I know the COVID restrictions put a damper on being invited to sing, etc. as a guest at other churches. But now that it looks like things may get loosened up a bit, are you reaching out to come and minister by song in other places?
  • When did you first discover your love for song writing?
  • Do you remember the first song you actually wrote?
  • Who is your intended listener?
  • What label are you releasing under?
  • I’ve listened to your songs, they are really good!  And you have them on YouTube as well, that’s awesome!
  • Does your husband play any instruments?
  • I know you have a podcast, called “RSVP Show.”  Tell us about your podcast…
  • April, you are one busy woman! Praise God! I could talk to you for hours.  I love all that you are doing for the Lord and for His People. Amen!
  • Your book, “Oh My God, My Heart: It is the Pursuit That Matters,” is it available on Amazon? Is that how our listeners should get a copy of your book?
  • And what about your music album, “Oh My Heart Strings.” That is also available on Amazon, correct?
  • If someone wanted to reach out to you and ask a question, to get in touch or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
  • And I don’t want to forget your podcast! Praise God!  What is the link to your podcast so we can listen to the great conversations you have there?

Folks, you absolutely need to get a copy of April Metzler’s new book, “Oh My God, My Heart: It is the Pursuit That Matters.” This book, I can’t say it any plainer…this book will give you the encouragement to face these uncertain times in a way that God intends for you to walk all situations in your life. By trusting IN HIM and in His Love and by being the victor and not the victim. Amen!  Go down into the show notes, click the link and order your copy today. In fact, order two or three copies. Amen! Sow this into someone’s life. I know that you know at least one other person that can use this type of encouragement. Amen! So click the link and order your copies today.

And, let’s not forget about ordering April’s music album. Praise God!

You know, even when all hell was breaking loose around David, it was always the music and worship he did before God that brought him the peace and confidence to face whatever was going on around him. It works the same way with you. Use the link below to order April’s music album and let this music just minister the Peace of God to you through music as well. It’s not that expensive of an investment, but it will reap bountiful rewards. Amen!

Do You want to be interviewed on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast? Click Here to schedule a time!

Visit Evangelism Radio’s Website

Get connected to launch your Podcast Show Here with coaching from the host of KCR & founder of FaithCasters and Evangelism Radio, Robert Thibodeau

You are invited to connect with Pastor Bob here:

You can listen to both parts of the podcast show episodes, below:

Music Collaboration and Interview with Kerrie Fraser & Kellie Tropeano, cohosts of Hymn Talk Twin Talk

Hymn Talk Twin Talk with Kerrie Fraser & Kellie Tropeano

This was such a fun project to with two beautiful sisters-in-Christ that have a heart for worship! I was honored to be one of this show’s very first guests after a full season of co-hosts only for their podcast. It was a blessing to my heart to be a part of this and connect with these two sisters. For the show, we joined forces and put together a hymn mashup of 2 very dear to my heart worship songs. You will get to hear it by tuning into the episode and it is available for free download here.

Holy, Holy, Holy and As The Deer

As Shared on Their Platform:

Do you ever wonder what it will be like in heaven when we join with all of the angels and saints and all of creation to sing praises to God?

We WILL experience that someday! We have that blessed assurance!

In this week’s episode, we are looking at the beautiful hymn Holy, Holy, Holy written by Reginald Heber and John Bacchus Dykes. The words of the hymn come right from the Bible, where we can read about this vision of heaven when all the heavenly beings are praising God.

Join us this week as we dive deep into this amazing hymn. Our guest and singer this week is songwriter, author, podcaster, April Metzler.

I encourage you to connect with these beautiful sisters on social media, subscribe on their show and leave them a review too:

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

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Interview with Dom Brightmon on the Going North Podcast Show

Going North Podcast with Dom Brightmon

This guest opportunity was an unexpected blessing and connection through another brother-in-Christ, Pastor Bob. It was an honor to be a guest on the Going North Podcast show hosted by Dom Brightmon over in Maryland. This visit was candid, light-hearted, and full of humorous references of food behind the scenes. Dom provided an awesome, engaging interview space to visit about my first published book, music album, and the RSVP podcast show. It was such a blessing and I am very grateful to have been connected with Dom Brightmon. Don’t forget to subscribe to his show!

As Shared on His Platform:

“God’s got a lot of things moving that I’m playing catch up with.” – April D. Metzler

Today’s featured author is wife, mom, songwriter, singer, and fellow podcast host, April Metzler. April and I have a laughter-filled conversation about how she became a content creator for Christ, seeking wise counsel, and more!!!

Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

  • Her musical family history.
  • What inspired her to become a songwriter.
  • The inspiration behind her 1st book.
  • Why beta readers are important.
  • Why you must seek wise counsel.

If you would like to learn more about Dom, who is also a best-selling author and certified member of the John Maxwell team, as well – I encourage you to visit his website at I look forward to seeing his work grow as he seeks to provide a space for others to share about what they are doing! Connect with him on his other platforms below:

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

Keys To Your Best Life with Maggie Kavanaugh – Podcast & TV Show Interview

Available on RokuTV’s Creative Motion Network Channel

Keys To Your Best Life with Maggie Kavanaugh

I was introduced to Maggie Kavanaugh by our brother-in-Christ, Coach Paul Ybarra. It was an honor to have this opportunity to visit with Maggie on her Podcast & TV Show over in Tennessee. We visit about a number of things on this show and I hope you can tune in to catch it! I have also been a bit of a hang-out visitor/co-host on some of her other shows times – be sure to subscribe to all her shows to not miss these faith-filled visits with Maggie and me.

If you would like to learn more about Maggie, who is also the co-founder along with her husband of Moving Forward Ministries in Tennessee, a counselor, a coach, motivational speaker, and servant in so many other ministry and outreach efforts that I cannot begin to list here as well – I encourage you to visit the website above! I look forward to witnessing what else God does in and through all she puts her hands to for His glory in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others! Connect with her on the other platforms below:

Maggie has tons of different services that she offers – definitely visit her websites and see how she can be of service to you and/or your business, ministry, corporation, network, etc.!

Keys To Your Best Life Website

You can listen to the podcast show episode, below:

The Bible Speaks To You with host James Early – Invitation to share my thoughts on an awesome question along with other brothers & sisters in Christ!

This was such a neat invite to receive to come alongside and honor another brother-in-Christ for reaching 100 episodes on his podcast show, The Bible Speaks To You! I encourage you to check this episode out and connect with the folks on this visit! So awesome and such a blessing to have the opportunity to share my heart on this question alongside so many others in the body of Christ!

As Shared on His Platform:

The Question: If you could talk to your favorite Bible character, other than Jesus, who would it be and what would you ask them?

In celebration of Episode 100 of The Bible Speaks to You Podcast, I have asked my listeners to think about who their favorite Bible character is and what they would ask them. The answers have been recorded, so you’ll hear them, in their own voices, tell you who they’d like to talk to and what they would ask.

You’ll be inspired by the thoughtful questions that are posed.

This is not just an exercise of curiosity or the human intellect. If it were, it would just be a chase down the rabbit hole of opinions and speculation.

The purpose of this inquiry is for us to learn from the ideas shared here so we can walk in closer relationship with God.

Read more on the landing page for this episode on his website

Episode 100 of The Bible Speaks To You with James Early

I encourage you to connect with James on social media, subscribe to his show and leave him a review on your favorite podcast streaming platform! Here are his links:

You can Listen To the Podcast Episode below:

It’s All About Jesus with host Diane Johnson on WVTC Gospel Radio Network in Chicago, Illinois – Live Video & Radio Broadcast Interview

This was a wonderful blessing of an honor to come alongside this sister-in-Christ and the WVTC Radio Family! I encourage you to check this visit out and connect with this awesome Radio Station that encourages others to focus on Winning Victory Through Christ! It was an amazing experience and I am thankful to the Lord for these divine connections!! WVTC has my music on rotation now! So, don’t be surprised when you tune in that “you are listening to April D. Metzler on WVTC Radio”, y’all!

One Interview Highlight that I enjoyed visiting with Diane about: A bit of April life moments in my decision to make Jesus my Lord and Savior!

Learn more about the Host, Prophetess Diane Johnson, Here:

WVTC with Diane Johnson

I encourage you to connect with WVTC Radio & Follow Diane Johnson’s broadcasts on social media!

Prayer requests and general inquiries can be sent to their email by clicking the link below.

Here are the link(s):

You can Listen To the Interview below:

Check out other areas of the mission to share God’s Love through the ministry efforts on this site!

Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the Talents Heart Reminder

The Book, Music, & Podcast

Read More about the Book including the most recent reviews

Released in the middle of a pandemic, Summer 2020, this album speaks to what helps us all keep our focus no matter the circumstances: God’s Love. Hear it on the music page:

Learn more about getting to the heart of the matter as I visit with guests and my daughter, too! Prayer, sharing the Word, and more are all part of the show!

To Stay Up-to-Date with all these ministry efforts, sign up to be added to April’s email list below!

Support by a follow, like, and/or share! God bless you and yours!