RSVP Show – Season 1 Ep. 10 – Joni Scott

Episode Intro for Joni Scott
Episode 10 of the RSVP Show with April D. Metzler – guest Joni Scott Welcome Intro Invite!

Audio Player will display here at 7:00 PM CST on March 18th, 2021.

Scroll Down to the Bottom to catch the video edition of this Episode for the R.S.V.P. Show, hosted by April D. Metzler

R.S.V.P. Show hosted by April D. Metzler

Join your host, April D. Metzler, as she visits with Joni Scott – a Christian podcaster, book author, prayer warrior, and blogger. There is great value in all things of God! What do you know about Intimacy or stillness and longing? How about prayer and fasting? How well do you accept correction and accountability to the Word of God? What does it look like in life? We talk about these things and more in this visit! Even what it is like to be a bus driver in the wilderness of Michigan! For those in the listening audience who like to be ready with the Word, April and Joni will be discussing Isaiah 30: 15 & 18.

Each podcast episode is located here as a blog post and on the hosting site at See her main links below along with Joni’s to stay connected.

From the host:

Grab your Bible, a study pad, and a pencil or pen. Get ready for some real, candid conversation about what it looks like in action to read, study, and apply the Word of God to our daily lives.

– Connect with Joni Scott –

Facebook Account

Website to learn more about Joni!

– Books & Programs by the guest –

Book Title: “A Call to the Wilderness”

Author Profile on Amazon: Joni Scott

Podcast Show: “Storming the Gates” (on Spotify)

– Connect with host, April D. Metzler –

– Music and Book by the host –

Book: Oh My God, My Heart!!!

Music Album: Oh My Heart Strings!

R.S.V.P. Show Podcast, Hosted by April D. Metzler – Season 1 Episode 10 – Video Edition!

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