A Psalm of Exaltation & Encouragement In The Lord

Oh God, I praise Your wonderful name! Your glory shines like a billion stars in the closeness of a touch. What great things You have done! What mighty wonders are at the works of Your hands, oh my heart’s King! Your faithfulness is like a river unbound by land, pouring out across the nations to the seas and beyond. Your love, so tender, is full of grace abounding and merciful in the core of its truth. Justice is a threshing floor that fulfills Your purpose, rightly dividing the wheat from the chaff with every harvest. Oh, that the harvest be more plentiful and robust each new day that You entrust to the hearts seeking Your Kingdom, Your ways, Your glory, alone.

Precious must those be who set their hearts upon you continually! How abounding in tearful joy must Your eyes overflow with compassion in Your great gentleness and love when they look upon a heart turned toward Yours! Your heart is turned toward those who seek You continually. Your ear bended to those who trust in You, alone. Yes, indeed, Your promises are true and they are sent out to accomplish Your good will and Your good way. For, nothing and no one, not even Your Son did anything on His own account without first seeking, hearing, and witnessing Your goodness first. He, Himself, attested that the good seen and heard in Him was by Your grace, alone. Apart from You, He did nothing. And so it shall be of those who You call ‘My Child’. They will not be separated from Your love. They will not shrink back. They will not turn away.

The spirit of the fear of the Lord has filled those who love You and seek You to the brim. Yet, behold, even now their cup runneth over of awe, reverence, and wonder at the power of Your glory! Tremble, oh how they gladly tremble at the sound of Your name, God, with every word read from Your holy Word! Yes, they tremble at the reading of the Word of which You breathe and inspire. Let them come and learn from You to prove themselves sound in doctrine, in word, in deed, and in thought. Let them yield to Your glorious process and be taught, reproved, admonished, encouraged, disciplined, convicted, corrected and trained by the Spirit’s wisdom and understanding of righteousness in Jesus for Your name’s sake and glory, alone. How the floodgates of gratefulness outpours as we learn from the guidance of the blessed Holy Spirit of Whom You sent in Your wondrous compassion toward those who believe according to the riches of glory in Christ Jesus. Beyond abundantly You are able and You do in accordance with Your will and way. Oh! How great Your goodness is, God!

Who desires to seek the Father, His kingdom, and His righteousness? Let them come and proclaim this great love He has toward them. Who desires to please God and honor His ways, principles, truths, commandments, and laws by considering how they may do so in all their ways? Let them come and proclaim this assurance of hope that He has given them in Christ Jesus. How unending the joy of our Father as each heart comes!

Like a spring of water that never runs dry, the great love of God flows over the soul without end. Let them come and see, taste of the goodness of God and lean into the love of God. Through the preciousness of the Gift of His sacrifice that covered the span of time itself, His Son gave willingly and freely so that those who believe might have newness of life and complete reconciliation to right relationship with Father God. In Him, the children of God are made clean and pure and whole. In Him, they have the mind of Christ, being renewed and transformed, from glory to glory, into the image of God who sent Him. How magnificent the refining process of the Master Potter! How awesome the crushing, pruning, and purifying of the Vinedresser! How humbling the emptying ourselves of ourselves with every choice to submit it to His throne of Grace & Mercy and surrender it at the cross of Jesus, not turning back to it as Lot’s wife on that day of end. In Him, they are now children of God. Let them call upon Him as Abba, Daddy, Papa, Father, and on and on, across the nations by faith that He will, indeed, hear them and answer.

Oh, the sweetness of the roaring sound of stillness in You as You send the intimacy of Your love for us to wash over the soul, the heart, the mind, the body! It’s like sweet honey to the lips, a soothing balm healing every scar to Your perfection through Jesus. Does anyone need rest? Let them come to Him in the stillness of mind, stillness of body, and stillness of heart, bringing the entire existence under the authority of the Holy Spirit. He awaits in the fullness of quiet, itself. How long will He wait to meet you in His stillness? A masterpiece of escapable comprehension is His peace. Like the wind, like the very grains of sand upon the earth too innumerable – His peace is illimitable and withstands to stand firm in its fullness beyond the temporal circumstances into the eternal, abundant life found in Jesus Christ. Peace. Be still. Know that He is God.

Beautiful are the days You bless Your children with, Lord! The seekers of Your kingdom, God, rest securely in Your embrace. Your protection is an indestructible stone, divinely covering fully within and without, around about and through. It courses through the very veins, the very cells and fiber of the being by the power of the Spirit dwelling in and abiding with us always. To those whose whole hearts are turned toward seeking You, whose new humble nature in Christ draws them near to You, You draw near to them. Step by blessed step, You lead and guide each new heart in the way that they should go by the Holy Spirit and the grace of Your Son, O God. How wonderful are Your directions to follow! How perfect Your navigation, reaching beyond the present into the eternal.

For, You are not a man of the flesh, governed by time. You are the Creator of the very sun and moon, stars and seasons, and all of creation. Nothing limits You.

Your Word is not bound by man-made contraptions or traditions, practices or observances, or even time itself. Your understanding of time is not our understanding. We grasp to even fathom what it must be like for You to compare one yesterday to a thousand years!!! Your Word has been sent out, is being sent out, and will continue being sent out to each heart. Yes, Your words are even more than can be counted of the stars in the heavens that Your hand has crafted, God. Who desires to know the Lord’s heart? Let them answer the knock upon the very door of their heart and make room for Him to enter. May joyous and grateful hospitality abound to welcome the King of kings and Lord of lords into the very heart of all people in every nation! Who seeks to know the fullness of the One Who fills all in all? Let every knee bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ as their Lord, their Savior, their everything. For, those who desire to save their life shall lose it, and those who lose their life for the sake of Jesus will find it and find the fullness of God that fills all in all.

May the glory of the Lord be known in fullness throughout every nation and His praise be continually upon the lips of every heart across all the land, forever and ever. Oh God! Oh gracious and merciful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, Father of all goodness and truth, give them eyes to see and ears to hear. Bless them with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You and Your great love for them in Christ Jesus. Enlighten the eyes of their heart to know what is the hope of Your calling for the life in Christ that they accept, believe, and receive by this faith You give them. Pour into their understanding what are the riches of glory of the inheritance You give through Jesus. Yes, what is it to be a child of God in the making, to say “Here I am, Lord, send me”, to become an empty vessel that is hand-crafted according to Your purpose? Lead them to these truths. Teach them what it means to be a co-heir who is seated with Him in heavenly places that You prepare for those who believe, who call upon His name. Give their hearts and minds an awareness of the measure of grace given to them for the spiritual gifts flowing through them by Holy Spirit. Counsel them in how to operate by the Spirit in the anointing that they have been appointed to in Your kingdom through Jesus. Show them the vast faithfulness of Your love, and the boundless greatness of Your power by the Holy Spirit and through the blood of the Lamb – Your precious Son. We give You all thanks and every praise, God. We bless Your name. We honor Your name. Your name is and will be evermore mighty in the land! Your will be done. Your kingdom come on earth just as it is in heaven. We ask and receive, we seek and find, and we knock to open up the door of the kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit in us and in the name of Jesus Christ to the glory of God, alone, as children of God – so very loved by You, Father.
“For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.” Yes and Amen.

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