Scripture Prayer – God, You Said based on Ephesians 1-3

God, You said that we are made alive in Christ Jesus, although we were dead in trespasses and sins, in which we once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, […]

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A Psalm of Exaltation & Encouragement In The Lord

Oh God, I praise Your wonderful name! Your glory shines like a billion stars in the closeness of a touch. What great things You have done! What mighty wonders are at the works of Your hands, oh my heart’s King! Your faithfulness is like a river unbound by land, pouring out across the nations to the seas and beyond. Your […]

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VOTD Dive Deeper Recap Challenge #3

Welcome to March’s edition of the Dive Deeper Recap Challenge for the Verse of the Day 2021 Movement! Why do I call it a Movement? Well, because I hope that – through providing a daily verse – that hearts will be moved closer to God and the knowledge of Him. You can find these daily verses on all my social […]

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VOTD Dive Deeper Recap Challenge #2

Welcome to the Dive Deeper Recap Challenge for the Verse of the Day 2021 Movement! Why do I call it a Movement? Well, because I hope that – through providing a daily verse – that hearts will be moved closer to God and the knowledge of Him. You can find these daily verses on all my social media platforms (FB, […]

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VOTD Dive Deeper Recap Challenge #1

Welcome to the Dive Deeper Recap Challenge for the Verse of the Day 2021 Movement! Why do I call it a Movement? Well, because I hope that – through providing a daily verse – that hearts will be moved closer to God and the knowledge of Him. You can find these daily verses on all my social media platforms (FB, […]

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Obedient, Even If…

REFLECTION In my past, I have had more than a few seasons that I was stuck in a rut. I just kept on and kept on cycling through the same old muck and mire without ever figuring out that I could ACTUALLY get out of it. I would say things like – “only if I would” —(fill in the blank, […]

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