A Little Background Behind these Interviews
This passed year, I have partnered with Christian Women’s Book Club to develop a live interview style of their already established Meet the Author segment. Danialy Iglesias, the founder of the book club, had the honor of visiting with many authors prior to allowing me the opportunity to serve alongside her in these efforts. These new interview-style live episodes developed this year have been a blessing to watch and partake in, as an interviewer. With permission from the founder, this will be the first of many Behind The Scenes shares that you won’t find anywhere else! So, grab your popcorn or favorite snack, snuggle up with a hot cup of tea or favorite beverage, and get ready to hear about the heart behind the writing that God has placed on these Christian Authors’ hearts to share with the world!
World, meet Dennis J. Perkins!
Dennis J. Perkins resides a hop, skip, & a jump on the map from me over in Mississippi. (I’m in Oklahoma) Now, we have a few rivers here, but none as long as the Mississippi River are running through the Great Plains of this ole state I call home. Much like the greater length of river of its land, the author that resides there has seen more length of time on this earth than I have. This, quite literally, also speaks to the longer measure of wisdom and knowledge he has acquired in his walk with God. Although it is not the case of some who are rather well-content with the shallow waters they walk in, it is, indeed, the case for Mr. Perkins. He chooses to dive deep daily. (walking in 3-D, if you will)
Dennis had the honor and privilege of marrying quite the catch of a woman of firm faith in God for twenty-eight years before the good Lord called her home. On his author website, https://www.thedpventures.com, Dennis credits his wife, Deborah, for what he calls a “whirlwind of change” that resulted in a closer walk with God. That change he says, “took place in his spiritual life which led him to acknowledge, more importantly, his spiritual calling into the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Thinking about their partnership, I could jokingly exclaim with a smile and a wink, “See! That right there is what a good woman will do in your walk, brother.” I am sure he would reply back with a smile of endearment at the thought of the fond memories their walk together meant to his heart and avidly agree. I did not have the privilege, myself, to know her, but to hear him speak of her in our visits warms my heart. There is love and appreciation in every word. Which brings me to a few of his books that we visited about on the live interview over at CWBC’s FB Group.
The Books Discussed
If time would have allowed, I would have visited with him on ALL of his books! However, the interview had already exceeded the 30-35 minute range we try to maintain and rolled over into the 45 minute range. We managed to discuss 2 books that day. They are both available to learn more about and purchase through the below affiliate links to Amazon:
But The Greatest of These is Love & The Camouflage of Deception.
Learn More on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3py8M9E Learn More on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ntbBXF
Now For The Behind The Scenes
During the interview, we did delve into discussing these two books, but I always ask/challenge the authors that I visit with to share what is below the surface of the writing God calls them to in this gifting He gives. Dennis was no different in this request. Prior to visiting with any of the guests, we pray and invite the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide our words and what we discuss, as well as guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and that of the audience. I desire for God to take control of the show and shine His light in and through it all! That is my heart’s desire and I really do love, love, love it when the author is in full agreement of precisely that! Again, Dennis meets that same motivation, as well!
As you will hear when listening to this interview, the visit opens up in such a fashion as this! I quote Dennis in his very own words, before he even begins to introduce himself as an author! He says,
You know, we are here to be used as instruments of the Lord… used in the way that He has gifted us or anointed us. It’s not that we are so special. We all have gifts. We all have anointings. It’s just a matter of digging deep and finding what that is that God has placed you here for.
Doesn’t that just speak directly to your heart, folks!?! Truth always does. From the very first words of this interview and all the way throughout, my heart was encouraged. That is how Dennis’ writings are, too! In the books that I have had the opportunity to learn more about, a common theme arises in them all – They are each, in their own right and concerning their own independent topics, arrows pointing the reader back to God, back to Jesus Christ, back to the Holy Spirit. As a writer, he does this. As a mentor and ministry worker unto the Lord, he does this.
I won’t go in-depth here in this writing share of all the ins-and-outs of the interview itself. I encourage you to watch it for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to your heart in it. You can find it over at Christian Women’s Book Club’s Youtube Channel or the video embedding at the end of this post.
Ready to Watch? Just Scroll Down!
I can assure you that your heart will get something from this! It just will.
Whether it be strengthening through His word that was shared, enlightenment in the Biblical application and insight discussed between two faith-in-Christ 3-D walkers, encouragement for your heart in your daily walk with the Lord, or much more along these lines, this interview has a little bit of all those. Again, I must also reiterate the same point about this anointed author – the many books God has placed on his heart to write and share with you, as the reader, also have a little bit of all those! I would certainly be remiss not to highlight this fact as I write about him. He readily encourages your heart to walk it out with Jesus – being set apart! You can view all of the books on Dennis’ Amazon Author Page. (don’t forget to click that follow button below his picture to stay up-to-date.)
Here is a final quote from the interview that I will leave you with. I thought he stated this very well. No matter what the world may think, even those so very close to you, follow the Lord. I encourage you to Listen for the voice that says, “this is the way walk in it”, brothers and sisters. He said:
I am just following the Lord. And so, it makes you seem like you’ve gone completely crazy… you’ve lost your mind. Because you’re hearing the voice – that is your Good Shephard – and the voice of a stranger you don’t follow. And so, regardless of who it is – family (that’s a big loud voice), close friends… ya know, people, they just don’t get it… they don’t understand where you’re coming from. But you’re on a mission. We are hearing the Father’s voice. So, we have to trust God. (Proverbs 3:5-6 quoted) That verse of scripture, ya know, we say it all the time, but it’s not easy, because the sway of the world is very strong. You have to be secure in who you are in Christ.
About that time was when he introduced a brand new work of writing that he is being led to share! The titling was deep! *drumroll* He said he is calling it Standing Upright in an Upside Down World. Wow! He shared with me the inspiration for the upcoming book and the scripture it is based upon… and let me just say, boy howdy! It is going to be good! I will leave it at that and let you, as the audience, hear all about it and so very much more in the interview video below!
That’s enough Behind the Scenes shares for today! Let me know your thoughts on this post by adding a comment below. If you would like me to include other Behind the Scenes topics about the authors that I learn or gather from the time I share with them, add those in the comments, too!
Closing Prayer
God bless you and yours with His rest, His peace, His joy, and, most of all – a deeper revelation of the knowledge of His love for you to the very depths of your heart! May your heart be overflowing in the fullness of God through Jesus Christ! In the Name of Jesus, I pray this. Amen!
for CWBC’s ministry efforts unto the Lord