The Introduction
A sweet, strong friend of mine and sister-in-Christ sent me a copy of her book, “The POWER of GOD“. You see, unbeknownst to me, I won a giveaway that she was doing as a way to encourage others! I was simply commenting and engaging with her video for the Faith-Filled Friday unit that she leads over at Christian Women’s Book Club and voila! My name was drawn! Planting seeds of encouragement ended in a gift being sent my way! I must have tuned in a bit too late, didn’t hear that part, or something… Regardless, of my lack of attention to the giveaway factor, the end result was a delight to my heart! I received her book shortly after that!
If you tuned into my first book review blog post, “Learning about Living to Give it All“, I shared about how I have been in prayer for God to send books that He can minister to my heart through in some way by reading them. Whether the impact is big or small, I desire to see something within myself or about God in the books that He provides in this season of my walk with Him. Out of the many books that my friend, Lucretia Cargill, has written (she’s in the double-digits now), I did not know which one she would send. I was curious to see which book would come my way! Her post I commented on to encourage her in what she was doing was actually talking about “The Faith Walk“, which is a completely different book than the one I received. Of course, I hopped on over to my Kindle Unlimited account and added that one to my library for free. It’s in the going-to-be-read bucket. “Why this one, though, God?” I remembered asking as I looked at the cover that displayed itself before me on the counter of my kitchen.

The Book Details
“The POWER of GOD”– The title is eye catching, right?! After-all, the power of God isn’t to be trifled with! He is All-Power. Being omnipotent is His forte. The Bible clearly states that the same working, mighty power of God in operation was and is and always will be in Jesus Christ and dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. It just does. If you believe the Word of God is truth… then you, in turn, as a child of God, believe this, as well. Yet, how do you apply that on the daily and fully walk in it? That’s the kicker, folks! As the author prepares the reader in her introduction, she says, “So, as you read this book, it is going to bring focus on the power of God and His infinite power. In that case, we should fear God… This book will enlighten you that God’s infinite power is glorious and is engaged for you… Trust the power of God!”
as provided by the Author/Publisher
The POWER of GOD is a spiritual guide designed for all individuals who desire to know how the power of God works in them, through them, and for them. Visit Amazon for a Look Inside preview.
Check out her Amazon Author Page and click that follow button to be notified of new books as they become available!
What I Admire About The Writing In This Book
When I use the word “admire” I mean to hold in regard a measure of respect and value of another’s gifting provided by God.

The author is REAL throughout her writing. She demonstrates knowledge and understanding from her perspective by pulling from quite a number of examples in her own life. She shares her learning experience and growth, thereafter… and vulnerably describes her weaknesses. Lucretia is direct, candid, and whole-heartedly invested in making sure she shares the Gospel and the goodness of God in this book.
- IF you are thinned-skinned
- and can’t take correction, chastisement, or aren’t an accountability fan, don’t read this book.
- IF you desire to gain a thicker skin
- and respect and appreciate these caliber of things, do read this book.
Lucretia Cargill, as an author and friend, holds you accountable to the Word of God. That is, indeed, an admirable gifting to me as a writer and sister-in-Christ.
The Heart Behind The Writing From My Perspective

There is a sense of urgency to share the need to draw near to the Father. This urgency resounds through the entirety of this book. From the very first chapter of her description of God being real to the very end when she covers the anointing of God, an encouragement to the reader is understood. This encouragement is pointing the reader back to the important and, oh so vital, need for the reader to seek a relationship with the Father. Both the urgency and the encouragement all tie into intimacy with God as she steps you through understanding the power of God on a deeper level. The author blesses the pages with truth after truth from scripture in hopes of sharing about the reality of God and His power working in and through His children (that’s you and me) – yes, indeed, I agree with the author, The POWER of GOD is real.
3 Highlights I Appreciate From This Book

- Remember to Stop & Smell the Roses, literally
- “There is a God, and He is alive, in Him we live, and we survive. How can anyone deny the reality of God when they see a baby? Even when it thunderstorms, I love to listen to the rumbling of thunder. It reminds me of God’s majesty and power. The apostle Paul said creation was the best evidence of God’s existence… (Romans 1:20) …There are also more than 400,000 species of flowers in the world and most of them are not edible… People who choose to deny God don’t spend enough time looking at (flowers)… It’s important to stop and smell the roses!” (Shaw-Cargill, 3)
- Practice walking in the Authority given through Christ – Become commanders not beggars
- “(Isaiah 45:11) What a powerful scripture! What does the Lord mean when He tells us to command Him? Well He certainly doesn’t mean we are mightier and more powerful than Him and can order Him around. He means concerning the things He has already done, He wants us to take our authority and command His power. It’s like electricity….. You must assume your authority and acknowledge the power is under your command… He’s done His part, and now it is up to us to do ours. We need to take the authority He has given us and become commanders instead of beggars.” (Shaw-Cargill, 26-27)
- You are anointed by God – Yes, You are anointed for this!
- “The anointing you have received, then, is the Holy Spirit. What does this mean, then that you are anointed with the Holy Spirit? It means that you are anointed for Christian ministry while you live in this world. It means that you have been enabled, entrusted, and empowered to accomplish God’s will… when the anointing comes, it creates a divine paradox – just as it did at the beginning of creation. Light exposes darkness. Truth confronts lies. Life confronts death. Everything that can be shaken is removed so the things that can’t be shaken will remain. God wants His children to walk in the anointing and gifting He has destined for our lives.” (Shaw-Cargill, 64 & 70)
Are you ready to be sharpened? Are you ready for an encouragement to understand and get to know the Father more? Are you seeking to know what the power of God looks like in application? If so, I definitely recommend this book. I also recommend this book to readers that haven’t quite connected themselves to God in this capacity. Philippians 2:12-13 speaks of “the God that works in us”. The first severe letter to the church at Corinth (3:16) asks a pivotal question as well, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” read the full chapter here. I can quote many chapters and verses to express the need to dive deeper into this awareness of God in you, as a child of His, but I won’t. I am simply spurring you on to remain sober-minded and alert in such things that you have learned, encouraging you to bring them to your remembrance and practice them until they are written on the tablet of your heart, and all that jazz. This book emphasizes accountability in the subject of the power of God. It is a good sharpening tool to learn more about the omnipotent-side of God’s character.
About The Author
Learn more about the author on her many platforms listed below:

Connect with Lucretia Cargill
- Facebook Author Page: Lucretia Cargill
- Instagram Author Page: Lucretia Cargill
- Consult God First Publishing Website
- Consult God First Publishing Facebook
- Lucretia’s Anointed Hands Website
- Lucretia’s Anointed Hands Facebook
- Lucretia’s Youtube Channel
- Twitter Page: Lucretia Cargill