Learning about “Living to Give Your All”

The Introduction

A new friend of mine and brother-in-Christ sent me a copy of a couple of his books. This wasn’t just to send them out of the blue, randomly. No, indeed! It was from the kindness of his heart. You see, I have been in prayer for God to send books that He can minister to my heart through in some way by reading them. Whether the impact is big or small, I desire to see something within myself or about God in the books that He provides in this season of my walk with Him. So, of course, I was exceptionally excited to hear that my friend, Dennis J. Perkins, would be sending me not one, but two of his books! Dennis has written multiple Christian books, so, my only request back to him was to prayerfully consider which ones to send, given my own prayer. And, boy, did he ever send a divine timing caliber of book with this one!

Living to Give Your All Dennis J. Perkins

The Book Details

“Living to Give Your All” – The title, in and of itself, is quite profound and speaks volumes before even stepping into reading within the bounds of the cover. The phrase Giving your all that the title includes is not something a person can do lightly. It is not for the faint of heart… not for those shying away from commitments in life. It is an all-in mentality that is operated in, i.e. lived in and walked out. This operation is a daily, moment-by-moment choice of “dwelling in”, as the author so eloquently puts it. It is done without reserving or setting aside anything of one’s self for later use. Yes, indeed! It is a complete and total surrender of all that is within and choosing to give it, instead!

as provided by the Author/Publisher

When you hear the word “give”, does it provoke thoughts or feelings of annoyance? There are far too many situations where people test the boundaries of our compassion and willingness to aid and assist in numerous ways. It is not all about money.
Giving is a lifestyle, which should be considered all inclusive, but the worldly influences tend to place mental restraints or limitations to freely engage in practice, and most importantly, the principles associated.
What do you think you would do if Jesus said to you? “Sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”
What motivates you to give? When there…. Read More on Amazon.

What I Admire About The Writing In This Book

When I use the word “admire” I mean to hold in regard a measure of respect and value of another’s gifting provided by God.

What I Admire About The Writing In This Book

The author is very candid in his usage of truth as it pertains to the subject at hand. Whether it be sharing the truths of his life experiences or sharing The Truth found in God’s Word to encourage a closer walk with the Lord, he does very well through his gift of writing. Mr. Perkins delves in deep to what an all-in walk with God can look like, in action, and how it pertains to the many facets of our daily lives. His usage of scripture throughout his writings is done so in a very meaningful and impactful way. I appreciate how he leads into sharing God’s Word with a gentle spirit, yet also with a high regard to the accountability a person can find within the verses shared…if they chose to apply, of course. Sharing Truth will always remain invaluable to me, as a reader and writer.

The Heart Behind The Writing From My Perspective

The Heart Behind The Writing From My Perspective

While easily digesting this book and finding encouragement within the pages for my own walk, I could see a measure of heart shining through. There was much emphasis on the action of letting go of the world and its many temporal riches and pleasures to choose, instead, to seek after the eternal life provided by God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Not only that, but emphasis was also given to the author intricately describing God from a relational stand-point. There is an intimacy found in a relationship with God that fills the voids that this temporal life leaves us with. The author does a wonderful job on explaining that and how it is achievable through living to give your all.

3 Highlights I Appreciate From This Book

  • Remember to daily Yield to God
    • “We must never take the Lord’s loving mercy and forgiveness for granted. It is so easy to yield to our fleshly nature, which tends to elevate our own importance and independence from God, rather than our dependence on Him.” (Perkins, 4)
  • Seeking Relationship with God is vital to knowing Him
    • “The true knowledge of God comes from having ongoing intimacy with Him. Through intimacy, God then reveals to us, by His Spirit, the hidden things that abide in darkness, but He won’t do that without revealing to us those things about ourselves that blind us to the truth. We must draw near to Him, before He is able to draw near to us. (James 4:8) That is what we call seeking Him.” (Perkins, 25)
  • The Heart…It’s all about the heart!
    • “Although the activity of studying the Word of God is an honorable one, we must also take up the good practice of storing it into our hearts. We then maintain and grow from what abides within us and do not fall short when it comes to living a balanced, spirit-led life.” (Perkins, 32)


Are you ready for commitment? Are you ready for change? Are you seeking something that you haven’t been able to find in all the people, activities, things, and whatever else you’ve tried to fill that void with? If so, I highly recommend this book. I also recommend this book to readers that are interested in learning to dive ALL-IN with God. This book emphasizes accountability, as well, so I also encourage those who have already dove ALL-IN with God to pick this book up as a sharpening tool.

About The Author

Learn more about the author on his website, at https://www.thedpventures.com

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