The Introduction
My brother-in-Christ and friend, Dennis J. Perkins is at it again with another astounding, candid book release! “Standing Upright in an Upside Down World”. Praise be to God for this new accomplishment! I am excited to have the opportunity to share a thorough book review of this new release. Dennis has been writing for quite some time now and sharing about the goodness of God through the writing. There is truth to be shared and applied in our daily walks. Sharing this truth in a relatable and easy-to-apply way is one of the main focal points that you can find throughout the collection of books that God has placed on Dennis’ heart to write. This new release is sharing another level of truth again. Let’s dive into it, shall we?

The Book Details
“Standing Upright in an Upside Down World”– Lord, Almighty! the title that he was drawn and inspired to put on these writings of goodness this time is power-packed! What does it look like to stand upright? What does it look like in actual application-mode every day to walk out uprightness when the things of this world are going the opposite direction? What does it look like, indeed!? This book cover is phenomenal and profound, wouldn’t you agree? No matter what this world says – the question on the other side of the equation will always be… But… “What does God say about that?”
There is a warfare going on every single day. There just is. Opposition, oppression, critics operating in haughtiness and cruelty, unjust outcomes, lies, deceit, gossip. . . These are just a few of the tactics of temptation that we can be hit with in this life. What do you do about all that, though? How do you take this Living Word of God and put it into real, daily practice? How do we truly Walk in Love, Walk in Faith, Walk in Unity, Walk in the Power of His Might, Walk in Truth, Walk in Spirit, and just walk it out with God, abiding in Him?
How do we do this, truly?
As I write this – a passage in Zechariah comes to mind. So, I share it, now. As it is written, “Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”
as provided by the Author/Publisher
Do you sometimes experience excessive frustration, weariness from pressures that oppose you?
Is it difficult to tell someone the truth, even when you know it will hurt their feelings?
How do you manage when what you say, think or do is unjustly criticized by others?
How do you respond to the lies that are being spoken about you?
There is a war that is going on! This war is not with flesh and blood human beings, but is spiritual. How do you fight spiritual battles? We must use God’s spiritual weaponry to be victorious. The Holy Spirit is our Helper.
Standing Upright In An Upside-Down World is a book that will encourage you to look to God and Him alone for your sustenance and supply. It will challenge you to let go of systematic thinking and reliance on things such as government, wealth, status. Escape what renders a false sense of security. Trusting in God with all our heart mind soul and strength will give us the courage to stand for what is right regardless of race, religion, culture, economic or social status. God created you to be free! Therefore, stand in your liberty! (Galatians 5:1) Check out Dennis’ Author page over on Amazon Here.
What I Admire About The Writing In This Book
When I use the word “admire” I mean to hold in regard a measure of respect and value of another’s gifting provided by God.

Dennis writes in a consistent manner across all of his books that he has released for the glory of God. You will see it, too, if you pick up more than one book to read by this author. His tone is honest and direct. He delves into delivering the message of the scriptures in the way that God leads him to do in the writing. From knowing this brother-in-Christ, although he resides in a different state over in Mississippi, his choices that I have witnessed reflect that of submission. I do not venture to vouch for anyone’s personal relationship with the Lord, mind you. I just know that what is written in the pages of this book are founded on biblical principals and the Word of God he shares directly is, of course, Truth.
Another aspect of admiration I have for the writing that Dennis works in unto the Lord as a published author is the underlying tone of love for others. He does not cut or maliciously attempt to bring others down with words. He considers carefully the words that are used, being slow to speak and quick to listen to the Holy Spirit that dwells within him and abides with him. This book is no different, in this respect. In the writing, you will find this man’s perspective from what God has taught him in this life at this season of his walk with God. This perspective is not founded on self, flesh, or the world. He shares the truth that he has learned, so far, nothing more and nothing less than precisely that. I can assure you a common theme that his books hold, even in this more difficult topic to address – you, as the reader, will be pointed back to the source of Love – that is God. For, we know, that God is Love. We love because He first loved us. We learn love from Him and only Him. Praise be to God in the writing!
The Heart Behind The Writing From My Perspective

Knowing God in such a way that we understand that in HIM we move and live and have our being – that is the heart behind the writing from my perspective. What is Knowing God in action, though? This book delves into that in an easy to digest manner. Dennis uses his own life experiences to apply the biblical foundation verses that this book is grounded in. There are steps of faith that we all take after the cross. Those steps lead us into a deeper understanding of what God’s love is. We ask for spiritual wisdom and the revelation of the knowledge of God. We ask for an enlightenment of the eyes of our heart so that we may know the fullness of Him – Who does, indeed, fills us with the fullness of God and Who is our all in all. This latest book by Dennis Perkins covers many facets of how to find our identity in Jesus Christ. And yet, it takes it to a deeper level of walking it out. How do we address the obstacles of this world as we walk in that identity? Who do we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony? How do we operate in the power of the Spirit, not by our might nor by our own power? How do we do that? This book delves into that and reminds our hearts of the Truth that God, our Father, already set before us in His Word.
God does not leave us, nor will He ever forsake or abandon us. He just won’t. We walk in Spirit, in faith, in love, in truth, and in full unity of the Spirit. We do all we can to maintain and keep that unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Yes, indeed! We trust in the Lord with all our heart, leaning not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledging Him and He makes our paths straight. He just does. . . even in an upside down world. That’s what this book walks the reader through from the eyes of one person who has walked it out himself – are you ready?
3 Highlights I Appreciate From This Book

- The Choice of Submission of our will for His will and The Holy Spirit and walking in Spirit
- “True religion (James 1:26-27) relates to the Spirit, not mere rituals that men do to justify their own righteousness. It’s being willing to give of yourself while at the same time keeping spiritual defilement out of your life. This attitude is due to an individual having a loving reverence of God. It’s all about how we choose and prioritize. When we turn to God, He helps us to do what we, in our own strength, would deem impossible. Is holiness impossible? Not to God. It comes from Him when we tear away the veil of our hearts to receive His Spirit in its fullness.” (Perkins, 9)
- Our Relationship with Jesus Christ – the Importance of Priorities, Commitment, & True Devotion
- “Sometimes believers tend to get a bit lax, or even prideful, forgetting that their Christianity is about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He must be personal if He is to be Lord and Savior. I tend to believe sometimes that the error in our believing is based on not fully understanding the purpose of our salvation and what makes Jesus real to us. It’s not just obedience to His Word alone that places us in a right relationship. Holy Spirit inspired love and absolute trust bind us together. This gives a clearer meaning to the passage in 1 John 4:15-17.” (Perkins, 30)
- The Foundational Value of His Spiritual Wisdom and Discernment – God’s Word is Powerful!
- “(Psalm 37:3) Satan hates truth and works extremely hard to dilute or destroy it by whatever means available. How? by impacting the senses, through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). We’re not perfect, nor do we go through life without temptations all around us. We must make wise choices. When we come into communion with God’s Spirit and Word, He will always grant us more of His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. When the decision is made to go in an alternative direction (away from God) there is a departure from what will bring stability. I pray that God will bring you and me enlightenment, which causes there to be a clearer distinction between what is false and what is real. Discernment is required in this hour. Whatever is of God will be undeniably true because it will always align with His Spirit and Word. (Isaiah 55:11)” (Perkins, 55)
Walking life out with God is a choice that is set before each of us. We can choose Him and His ways or the world and it’s ways. This book will help as a guide to what it looks like in action to stand firmly in your decision to walk with God after you decide to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. If you have made that covenant-caliber of decision… If you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died for your sins on that cross… If you believe that He conquered death and the grave and was resurrected on that third day to be seated at the right hand of God, our Father, and that He lives…. If you believe that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to abide with us and dwell in us… and you have confessed all this with your mouth and called on the name of the Lord – you are saved. That is a promise found in Romans 10:9-13. If you believe, receive, and accept this as truth and your new truth… Yes, If you are there and want to know how to address the things that come at you from the other side – the world side of things – I recommend this book. I also recommend this book to readers that are tired of the way that they have been walking in and are ready for a change. I recommend it for those that do not like what this world has to offer. I also recommend it to those who are seeking more from life and those who have an emptiness that nothing has been able to satisfy. For those walking deeply, this is a sharpening tool and good for bringing truth to the forefront of our remembrance to consider how to practice these things which we have learned in Him.
As is my norm to do – I Caution: Like so many books that I enjoy – This book emphasizes accountability. Be prepared to be sharpened and challenged to grow in the knowledge of Him. Choose this day, whom you will serve. . . dear heart. As for me and my house – we will serve the Lord. God bless your time learning about His love.
About The Author
Learn more about the author on his website,

Connect with Dennis J. Perkins
- Facebook: Dennis J. Perkins
- Instagram: Dennis J. Perkins

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