My New Blog

A Fresh Start

After 3 years of blogging, I recently decided to start fresh! In this new season of my walk with the Lord, I have great joy and hopeful expectation in what He is doing in and through these gifts He has given me. I have pulled down over 450 posts from all my previous blogging and will be bringing you brand new content! There is no telling what God is going to do in and through these words I write. However, I am looking forward to each and every glimpse He honors me with of His glory. 

Quick R.S.V.P.

For some months now, I have been writing an exclusive weekly post in the Christian Women’s Book Club for the members. It is a weekly Reflection in Stillness for Victory in your Pursuit. Pretty catchy title, right? Yeah, I thought so, too. (Thanks, Mom!!) That writing has turned into something I did not ever imagine me, as a writer, delving into. Yet, here I am months later writing a week long devotional series. Diving deep into the Word of God is what the central focus is. Meditating on His Word and the meaning to apply it to real life scenarios. I invest much time in prayer and petitioning on behalf of those who will read these words to ensure I am a good steward of the knowledge of Him that He has revealed to me, so far, in my walk with Him. (The Good Lord knows I need all the revelation He will give me!) I intend to continue with these style of posts for this new blog and ensure that these devotionals are applicable to common, everyday challenges, obstacles, strengthening tests and such that help encourage a closer walk with the Father and foster a daily way to grow and mature in Him.

Partners in Writing

As I mentioned, I write posts in the Christian Women’s Book Club. If you are a Christian woman looking for a group that you can get plugged into, I encourage you to click on the link provided to join our members. (it’s free) Every day there is new content to read and we have book and Bible studies going on quite a bit throughout the year. If you enjoy books and the Bible and sisters-in-Christ to fellowship with, it’s a place to do so, sis.

To all my Readers

I encourage you to pray for one another and pray with one another. Prayers for you and yours!

“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Matthew 18:19-20


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